Bovine Services
Welcome to the Production Medicine section of WMVS. WMVS has the equivalent of four doctors dedicated to production animal medicine and surgery. A complete array of health programs and protocols are designed specifically for each dairy, cow-calf or feedlot enterprise.
Enjoy your tour of our website and do not hesitate to contact us for an appointment if, at the conclusion of your tour, you have unanswered questions about our services.

Animals requiring more immediate care will be scheduled at the earliest available time. After hour emergency services are also available.
Farm Animals: 616.837.8151

Health Management
WMVS doctors place an emphasis on developing and maintaining current and effective health management programs tailored for each farm to insure highly productive and financially successful herds. As a member of each farm’s management team, it is our goal to be the primary source of current, evidence-based medical knowledge and expertise and new or changing technological information.
Herd visit appointments are made with a specific veterinarian on a schedule based on a herd’s needs.

Preventative Herd Health
The key to maintaining animal health is through routine preventative care. Our doctors will work with you to customize a preventative herd health program to meet your goals.
Such services include:
Vaccination program development
Reproductive services
Fresh cow wellness programs
Treatment program development
Calf care program development
Disease outbreak investigations
Employee training in general husbandry, humane handling & basic medical care
Facility and ventilation consultations
Reproductive Herd Health
Reproductive performance plays a critical role in the financial success of a herd. Our doctors have extensive training in the use of portable ultrasounds to provide the best possible service to our clients. Below is a list of just some of the information a reproductive ultrasound exam can provide:
Pregnancy detection as early as 28-days post-breeding
Definitive identification of ovarian structures
Detection of twin pregnancies
Determination of fetal sex at 55-75 days gestation
Identification of reproductive diseases and abnormalities
Evaluation of the health of the reproductive tract post-calving

The health of an individual animal is vital to the health of a herd, no matter what the size!
Health Management
Wellness Exams and Treatment
Our doctors are available by appointment to examine and treat animals both on farm and in the clinic. Animals requiring more immediate care will be scheduled at the earliest available time.
Bull Breeding Soundness Examinations (BSE)
Ensure a bull is maximizing his potential before each breeding season with a BSE from one of our doctors.
Experienced surgeons, our doctors perform many surgical procedures on farm or at the clinic, such as:
Displaced abomasum correction and fixation
Cesarean section
Hernia repair
GI emergencies
Laceration repair
Not just for reproductive health, an ultrasound aids in the diagnosis and treatment of pneumonia in calves, septic joints, umbilical infections, etc.
Zoonotic Disease and
Public Health
We take our role in the human public health system very seriously. Our doctors are diligent in monitoring for disease and are specific about drug residue withdrawal times for treated animals.
Inspection for
Animal Transport
If you have an animal crossing state lines for any reason need to be inspected, our veterinarians can help you obtain a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (CVI) prior to travel. Be aware that some states have specific testing requirements prior to entry. Schedule an appointment to have your animals inspected, fulfill any testing requirements and obtain a CVI as soon as you know they are traveling.
Complete Blood Count (CBC), Serum Chemistry
Calf Total Proteins
Fecal exams for intestinal parasites
Diagnostic testing for disease monitoring and animal transport
Necropsy services
Bio-PRYN blood testing for pregnancy

What is BioPRYN?: BioPRYN is a blood pregnancy test for ruminants. West Michigan Veterinary Service completes BioPRYN tests for cows, sheep and goats. More specifically BioPRYN is an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) test to evaluate a specific protein found in a pregnant ruminant's blood.
When to test? BioPRYN can detect the presence of PSPB in as early as 28 days after insemination in heifers. Similarly, pregnancy can be diagnosed in lactating cows 28 days after breeding but cows also must be at least 73 days in milk to ensure that the PSPB from the previous calf is eliminated from the bloodstream. Sheep and goats need to be 30 days bred for the PSPB to be detected in their bloodstream.